NET Foundation was established to provide Bible-based education and equipping for pastors, evangelists, youth and women workers worldwide who are unable to attend a full-time (traditional) educational program due to distance, money, security or work. In many countries in Africa and Asia, more than 90% of pastors and evangelists have not received sufficient Biblical and practical training. NET does that online (and in partnership with Bible schools) where possible and in physical meetings where necessary (e.g., due to lack of a good internet connection).
NET itself developed for this training the NET curriculum ‘Serving in God’s vineyard’, which consists of ten courses/trainings. These cover all aspects of a pastor’s work, such as vocation, Bible content, preaching and pastoral care. The aim is to provide three conferences annually at each location where NET is active, so that a pastor is equipped in about three years. Where necessary, courses will be translated into local languages.
In Africa, Kenya is the fastest growing country with the largest number of churches. This impetuous growth also brings with it many challenges, as the Christian church is lacking good Biblical teaching. Self-appointed so-called televangelists and churchpreneurs are cleverly acting on this with all its consequences. Due to lack of knowledge, the Christian church is receptive to the prosperity gospel, false teaching and misinterpretation of the Bible. In addition, the church is struggling with problems such as secularization and relativism of Biblical values and norms.
In Kenya, NET Foundation has a regional coordinator on the ground with 5 trainers. From two main towns (Bumala and Kitale), conferences are provided in surrounding towns so that pastors can easily get there.
In western Kenya, NET Foundation is working with Pastor David Wafula, an inspired worker in God’s Kingdom. In a circle around Kitale, the NET Curriculum is offered in 7 locations. David does this through weekly evening sessions at the place where the pastors live. A course is then covered in about two months. This includes assistant trainers.
‘I used to take so long to prepare a sermon, but when we did the course of PASSION TO PREACH, it presented a very good way how to prepare a sermon. I no longer struggle.’ – Pastor Samuel Kariuki
Project costs
For 2023 – 2025, NET Foundation together with David Wafula will operate in 7 locations in Kitale to equip a total of 250 pastors and church leaders from the NET Curriculum. The total investment over three years is €135,000 consisting of personnel and training costs, travel expenses, compensation for the local NET coaches and costs for the course materials.
The goal of this project is for pastors in Kenya to be equipped to do their work properly through sound Biblically based teaching. This means that they will be able to pass on to their congregation the Word of God in a way that touches the hearts of their church members and changes their lives. When a congregation begins to live according to the Word it is not without consequences: there will be mutual love, care for one another and a willingness to share to those in need. This will not only be noticeable in the church community, but will also affect the local society as a whole. A congregation in Kenya has an average of 50 members. So when all 250 pastors are equipped, it will impact 12,500 Christians.
And then when all 250 pastors and 12,500 church members, in turn, also start passing on to others what they themselves have learned, it gives a triple blessing in the expansion of God’s Kingdom!
Reflection MissionInvest
PURE, MODEST and FIRM! Yes, this is who they are: Jane, David, and Wycliffe! In Feb. 2023, we as MissionInvest (Wim Hasselman) visited this project of NET Foundation and had a personal meeting with them. Their eyes shone as they talked about the spread of the Gospel. That touched me. I think back to it regularly. These simple people do not know of prosperity, quite the contrary! They are poor and have to work hard every day. David as a bus driver, Jane and Wycliffe in agriculture. But on weekends and evenings they are pastors of their small congregation. They didn’t receive any training as pastors, but God’s love drives them to bring the Gospel to Kitale and the surrounding area.
They spoke enthusiastically about the help they receive from NET Foundation in this regard. Because of the courses, they do have a much better understanding of the Bible. David said: ‘It’s about our head, heart and hands.’ And that is exactly the nail on the head! Acquiring knowledge is fine, but more important is the transformation of the heart by the love of God, and next reaching out to others nearby (impact). Such a wisdom from these simple people! It is understandable that NET Foundation is very happy with people like Jane, David and Wycliffe who together coordinate the work in Kitale.
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