Safe water in Northeast Ghana




Safe water for 4,400 people




Safe water for 4,400 people

Project story

Help Expand Access to Safe Water Services in Northeast Ghana

Half of the world’s population lacks access to safely managed water; meaning reliable water at their home. Further, 780 million people lack access to an improved water source outside of surface water collection. Unsafe water consumption increases the risk of contracting water-borne diseases, and collecting water from rivers and streams reduces time for leisure, vocation, and education. Moreover, at least 35% of the hand pumps in Sub-Saharan Africa are known to be non-functional, and in some countries, that figure is as high as 50%; thus, much of the funds already invested in the rural water sector have not yielded sustainable results.

About Water4
Water4 is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit headquartered in Oklahoma City (USA), founded in 2008 that’s leveraging charity to scale durable market-based water businesses that create more: safe water access, economic opportunity, and virtue and purpose across Africa.After 16 years in operation, Water4 has refined its model to professionalize safe water services by scaling professional, wholly owned, piped safe water businesses in Africa. Serving the role of Venture Builder, Water4 provides seed capital, financing, strategic development, technology, processes, quality assurance, and more to its multinational business, 4Ward Development.

4Ward Development delivers market-based, economically contextualized, safe water solutions. This approach puts the solutions to local problems in the hands of local businesses and ensures sustaining safe water access for lasting impact. Convenient, safe water is delivered through NUMA, our branded water approach utilized for piped water systems. While Water4’s charitable investment covers the cost of infrastructure, the cost of operations, maintenance, and capital replacement of water systems are all covered through water sales –ensuring your donation pumps on in perpetuity. To date, Water4 has provided safe water access to 2.358.090 million people, impacted 1.002.222 people through WaSH and discipleship community services, and created 923 jobs through 13.196 water projects.

At Water4, we scale durable market-based water businesses that create more: safe water access, jobs, economic opportunity, virtue, and purpose across Africa. We generate good and invite you to do the same so that every home and community has safe piped water. Always.

Qualitatively, the project aims to elevate our customers’ quality of life by providing a seamless water supply to each consumer wherever they are in their community, freeing them from the arduous task of manually transporting water and the dangerous risk of consuming untreated water at alternate sources, fostering a sense of reliability and security, ensuring consistent access to a vital resource that is essential for daily consumption, use, and hygiene.

Quantitatively, the project aims to provide safe water access to a total of 4.400 people through the installation of various water systems, The cost per person for this project is estimated to be $23. Furthermore, the project is expected to generate positive net income within three years, allowing for the extension of services to over 300 additional households and the installation of more water storage facilities financed by revenue and without the need for additional grant resources.

In addition, every safe water point becomes a kingdom outpost where 4Ward employees can show and share Jesus through relationships and the Water4 Multiply discipleship movement. Employees voluntarily use orality methods to engage customers, follow up, encourage them to start groups, connect those groups with other groups and leaders, and then provide ongoing training and accountability as a business to form and integrate into existing churches. In investing in Water4, your resources are multiplied in safe and Living Water outputs.

Project Costs – How you can help!
The total budget for this project is €104.000 with the following breakdown:

  • €49.200 to construct 2 NUMA Nexus Filtration Systems to provide the most safe, delicious, and reliable water
  • €36.300 to build and install 54 NUMA Now Home and Business Connections so customers have safe water at their doorstep
  • €18.500 for 3 Water Towers to allow us to store and provide pressurized water to customers at all times

Impact – Why your support matters
Water4’s model is proven with over 700.000 NUMA customers served daily. Customers value NUMA water and create more value for their lives with each purchase. All we need is your support to bring life-saving, world-changing, safe water directly to people’s homes and communities.

Project impression

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